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Texas Property Tax Management


Texas Property Tax Management is a full service property tax consulting firm with an emphasis on personal service and an unmatched ability to utilize the Tax Code to the benefit of our clients. Equipped with proven industry leading methods and decades of experience in appeals of all types of property, we are Houston's fastest growing tax minimization group. Texas Property Tax Management exists to serve as a critical check and balance to the heavy handed valuation style employed by the Appraisal Districts. Offering fees below the industry standard on a contingency basis, we provide superior service at an affordable cost with absolutely no risk. We guarantee savings or you pay us nothing!

Texas Property Tax Management offers a full array of property tax services tailored to suit your specific needs. There is no one-size-fits-all solution to the issues faced by your company. We are experienced in commercial, industrial, residential, land, and inventory. Whether at the District or Judicial level, we will apply aggressive pressure to pursue the fair valuation you are guaranteed by law. Choose the type of service that fits your needs.

Shaking Hands

Protest Services

Be confident you pay no more than your fair share

Most recent Texas Comptroller data shows that  only 9.4% of property values were protested. The districts bank on this lack of protests to allow their aggressive values to slip through the cracks. They are required to produce evidence that proves their valuation. Many districts fail to realize the burden of proof is on them. We serve as their reminder. Contact us or sign up today.

oil tanks

Business Personal Property Renditions and Cost Segregation

Take control of taxes on your inventory, machinery, and supplies

With consultants experienced in both the private and public sector, we have a unique understanding of how to value personal property used to generate income. Accelerated depreciation is commonly overlooked in BPP appraisals. There are also countless unused Tax Code provisions that many firms and appraisers don't even know exist. We are tax code and depreciation experts. Partner with us!

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Strategic Planning

Grow Your Business while minimizing your tax implications

Looking to increase your footprint but not sure what to expect financially? Need help planning your next real estate acquisition? Let us guide you. Any organization can move forward with acquisitions, but building for the future in today’s rapidly evolving environment means understanding risks and making insightful decisions. Contact us today for more info!

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(281) 410-1671

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Regulated by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, PO Box 12157, Austin, TX 78711

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